Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Not Quite Ripe"

I love Ravens, not sure why. I call them the "Bad Boys" - I remember they used to walk down the middle of the street where I lived in Ohio. 6 or 7 abreast, looking right and left - acting like they owned the place. Here in California they hangout at the WalMart dumpster (nice huh) and I was lucky enough to have my camera with me one day when I saw them. They were picking these berries off of a nearby bush - some were red (those they ate) and some were greenish red - those they kind of threw at each other. I spent nearly an hour just sitting there watching them- such a beautiful bird.
This piece is 2" x 4", pencil on Bristol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love ravens to, very nice!