Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Comeback!

I feel my "passion to create" knocking at the door again. I think it took a vacation for while, got side-tracked, even lost - but, found its way home again. I know that sounds kind of corny but it's how I've been feeling for quite some time. Creating art, being this
thing called "an artist" is defined differently by everyone that uses the title. For me, it has been difficult to cast aside the politics of art (monumental) and just create art for the sake of creating art - and feel okay with that. After some 20+ years I think I'm finally to that point. I have a wealth of knowledge now, a better understanding of myself (that wasn't easy!) and enough reference material to last a lifetime.
My focus is still wildlife, but with a twist. I've recently become very involved in bike riding, and somehow would like to incorporate bicycles into my art. Stay tuned! I've also been experimenting with my reference photos using Photoshop - amazing the drama you can obtain.

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