Thursday, March 20, 2008

charcoal and graphite

I've been doing a lot of drawing lately. I started my art career some 20 years ago with graphite and always find myself still picking up a pencil. So, here I am again wanting to do more works in pencil. Experimenting with colored pencil too. One thing I've noticed is that if you include charcoal in your graphite piece that those areas in charcoal are more "in the background" than the graphite areas. Must have something to do with the difference in the reflective qualities of each medium. The dark areas in the duck piece are charcoal - I like the contrast too.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I'm so glad to see you post some new works to your blog. I especially am drawn to the duck piece, because of all the detail in the grasses and the high contrast. You have a gift that should be shared so keep drawing and letting the world see the beauty of wildlife and nature as you experience it.